Paradise Lost Auction - Private View

Paradise Lost Auction - Private View

2nd Apr 2025 6pm - 8pm
Greenwich Mean Time
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2025-04-02 18:00:00 2025-04-02 20:00:00 Europe/London Paradise Lost Auction - Private View 114 King's Cross Rd, London, WC1X 9DS



Event Details

Art on a Postcard takes great pride in its staff members: writer, photographer, curator, and SOAS graduate Moriah Ogunbiyi; art historian, writer, and Courtauld Graduate Victoria Lucas; and former team member Rosie Penny, who specialises in visual cultures and personal histories and has a background in writing from the Royal College of Art. Together, they have curated this innovative auction, drawing inspiration from Milton’s Paradise Lost.

For one restraint, lords of the world besides? 

Who first seduced them to that foul revolt? 

Th’ infernal serpent; he it was, whose guile 

Stirred up with envy and revenge, deceived 

The mother of mankind, what time his pride 

Had cast him out from Heav’n, with all his host 

Of rebel angels, by whose aid aspiring 

To set himself in glory above his peers 

- Paradise Lost, Book I Lines 32 –39

The auction, featuring 127 artworks, showcases some of the most intriguing emerging talents in the art world. Moriah, Victoria, and Rosie are passionate consumers of art culture, drawing on personal connections and their individual insights into contemporary trends.

The money raised will be directed to The Hepatitis C Trust, which began as a small patient organisation. Today, their increasingly ambitious efforts have evolved to reach over 300,000 individuals deemed “hard to reach” by the NHS through peer-to-peer programmes and assist over 15,000 people in accessing treatment. The Trust now extends this model to address other complex health needs, including cancer and heart disease, providing essential healthcare to some of the UK’s most marginalized populations. This auction will empower the Trust to broaden its lifesaving initiatives.